These pictures were taken a few weeks ago when we took Finnegan for a walk around the property. As you can see, there are gardens everywhere - along the sidewalk, driveway, walkway, fence, in front of the house, the retaining wall, and even many in the middle of the yard. I love to garden, but this is just too much!
Our first goal is to eliminate the gardens along the sidewalk, the driveway and the walkway. We will also cut back some of the plants in front of the house, remove all of the vines from the house, and dig up most of the gardens in the middle of the yard and in front of the retaining wall. This will leave us with some plants in front of the house, the gardens along the fence, and the beautiful magnolia tree. That should be manageable!
We both love the formal and clean look of boxwood hedges with white hydrangeas. We have three hydrangeas at the back of our current yard, and we know that they are a must-have for the new house. We are also hoping to build some structures throughout the garden to provide shade for different seating areas. The wood fence on the north side of the yard is also in need of some TLC, so we would like to add some extra detail to it to make it a little more formal looking which will hopefully match the style of the house better.
That's what we have so far. Let me know what you think. All of these inspiration pictures, along with many others can be found on my Pinterest board called Cochrane-Gardens. We know that it won't all be achieved within the first year, but it's good to have a vision and a plan!
Oh my goodness it is going to be a sanctuary!! SO excited!!